Marin Teen Girl Conference
Presented by The Marin Women’s Commission
Be Your Own Superhero!
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits:
All Sponsors at ALL Levels will receive the following, in addition to the items below:
- Sponsor Recognition on Video loop played during conference
- Premiere display of your logo with link to your website on conference website
- Recognition on invitations, email marketing and all press releases
- Sponsor supplied banner displayed at Conference
Teen Girl Idol $5,000 – $10,000
- A dedicated press release announcing your sponsorship to Marin County media
- Photo opportunity at VIP meet and greet with keynote speaker
- Live stage recognition during conference by Event Emcee
- Recognition in Conference Program (distributed to expected 300 attendees)
Teen Girl Champion $2,000 – $4,999
- Photo opportunity VIP meet and greet with keynote speaker
- Live stage recognition during conference by Event Emcee
- Recognition in Conference Program (distributed to expected 300 attendees)
Teen Girl Hero $1,000 – $1,999
- Live stage recognition during conference by Event Emcee
- Recognition in Conference Program (distributed to expected 300 attendees)
Teen Girl Star $500 – $999
- Recognition in Conference Program (distributed to expected 300 attendees)
In-Kind Sponsors
In-Kind sponsorships consist of a donation of a certain product or service instead of direct financial contribution. There are numerous possibilities. The “market value” of the contribution must meet or exceed the specified amount listed in the sponsorship levels described above in order to qualify for sponsorship status. There can also be a combination of monetary and In-Kind contributions. In- Kind sponsor benefits will be based on the total market value of the donation and matched with benefits at the sponsorship levels described.
To become a sponsor, please complete our Sponsorship Confirmation form found here.
Sponsor a Girl!
Registration fees are priced low to allow every teen girl in Marin to attend. The actual cost for each girl is over $50.00.
Please Sponsor a Girl Today!
- $50.00: Teen Girl Sponsorship
- $100.00: Buddy Sponsorship
- $250.00: BFF Sponsorship
- $500.00: Table of 10 sponsorship
Any sponsorship amount is greatly appreciated!

If you’d like to send your Sponsor a Girl form by mail, please fill out our Sponsor a Girl form along with a check made payable to MarinLink/MWC-MTGC and send to the address below:
Marin Women’s Commission
Attn: Kara Amestoy
3501 Civic Center Drive #415
San Rafael, CA 94903
Fiscal Agent- Marin Link-Federal ID # 20-0879422. Your contribution may be tax deductible. Contact your tax professional for further information.
For more information please contact:
Kara Amestoy
Marin Women’s Commission
(415) 499-6195
[email protected]
Thank you!
Save the Date!
March 15, 2014
9:00am to 3:30pm
Embassy Suites Hotel
San Rafael, CA

Call for Sponsors!
Become a Corporate Sponsor!